Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet Rich Plasma treatment is a procedure used for facial rejuvenation to treat conditions like fine lines, folds, and wrinkles, and also to enhance the body’s ability to produce collagen and elastin naturally. PRP procedures are used not just for cosmetic treatments, but also for a variety of other conditions like torn tendons, muscle injuries, arthritis, tendinitis, and joint injuries.

What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma is basically concentrated blood plasma, which contains almost 3 to 5 times the amount of platelets normally found in our blood. A PRP solution is prepared by extracting platelets and certain kinds of bioactive proteins, along with PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor), TGF (transforming growth factor), and VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor.

PRP at Curvz, Pimpama

Our PRP treatment is designed for simplicity and is absolutely safe. We start by collecting 10 to 30 ml blood from your body which is then spun in a centrifuge machine for some time. This separates the top layer of the blood, fibrin, and the platelets, which are then carefully extracted to be re-injected into the targeted area(s). Once injected, PRP forms a conducive environment for the production of collagen and elastin, regenerating old tissues and making your skin smoother, healthier, and naturally younger-looking.


PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss is highly effective. The platelets in the plasma are enriched with growth factors and promote hair growth by stimulating the activity of the hair follicles.  PRP Hair Restoration is suitable for both men and women. It is a non surgical, natural procedure used for the treatment of hair loss or hair thinning. It is an injectable treatment which uses the client’s own blood. (PRP) our own blood plasma contains active growth factors which promote hair growth naturally. Result are fuller, healthier hair. We can provide an individualised holistic approach:

The results generated by PRP are subtle and incredibly natural-looking. These results can last for up to 24 months. PRP possesses no risk of developing an allergic reaction and is minimally invasive.

The term “platelet-rich plasma” was coined in the 70s to describe the high platelet count fluid that medical professionals use in transfusions. Now, platelet-rich plasma is used across the medical field for different applications. It’s used in sports medicine, for wound healing; in cardiology, for various surgeries and tissue regeneration; to help with male-pattern baldness, and now in dermatology for its anti-ageing properties.

In 2011, a study was conducted to see if PRP could be used to rejuvenate ageing skin. They found that this type of therapy increased collagen production. Since then, many studies were performed to test the effectiveness of facial PRP rejuvenation treatment. One particular study examined how PRP could help dark circles and remedy the loss of elasticity in the under-eye area. The results were staggering: most clients had lightening of dark circles under the eyes and increased firmness and elastin with no negative side effects. Since the under-eye is a delicate area — and is sometimes difficult to treat with fillers — this is brilliant news for anyone wishing to revitalise their face.

Now, you may be wondering what happens during the procedure. PRP therapy uses your own blood to create a substance full of growth factors and proteins, which is then injected into the treatment site of your choosing with a small needle. Your clinician will first take a small vial of blood from your arm, which is spun in a centrifuge machine to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other blood components. That substance is used in the procedure.

Facial PRP skin rejuvenation treatment stimulates collagen and elastin production, which naturally decreases as we age. This is why the procedure is so popular and considered a fountain of youth. It makes visible improvements to your skin’s texture, increasing plumpness and firmness while reducing fine lines. This treatment is especially popular for those who want a more natural alternative to Botox and dermal fillers.

Is PRP Safe?

The burning question on everyone’s mind when they read about facial PRP skin rejuvenation treatment is always, “is it safe?”. Since the substance injected is made from your own blood, there is much less risk of complications, side effects or an allergic reaction. The PRP treatment for skin rejuvenation is not FDA or EU-approved purely because no drug or foreign substance is being injected. As we stated before, this procedure has been used in many different medical applications, so the equipment and applications are “cleared for use”. All of this should help you feel safe and secure.

How Many PRP Treatments Do I Need?

To get the most out of PRP therapy, we recommend a minimum of three treatments spaced six weeks apart. The treatment takes about 30 minutes, and there is no downtime for recovery. The procedure colloquially known as the “Vampire Facial” is a more combined treatment that uses hyaluronic dermal fillers alongside platelet-rich plasma. This helps reduce fine lines even further and hydrates the skin. If you have sun damage and deeper wrinkles, you may want to consider this combined treatment.

What Area of the Body Is Best for PRP?

This treatment is excellent for all over the face, neck, décolletage and hands. It works wonders for scar tissue or stretch marks but is especially great for dark circles — known as the tear troughs — under the eyes.

Are There Side Effects with PRP Treatment?

This treatment is considered non-invasive with no downtime for recovery. There are no severe side effects associated with the procedure, but you may experience slight discomfort, minor bruising, swelling or puffiness in the treatment areas. You might want to take it easy a day or two after the procedure, but you can return to work right after visiting the clinic.

What Results Should I Expect with PRP?

You’ll start to see results within a few weeks and complete new collagen regeneration at around three months. Your beautiful skin can last up to 18 months, but for best results, we recommend coming in for a follow-up one year after treatment. Here, we will discuss the best treatment plan to keep your new, youthful face glowing for years to come.

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