Hair Removal Treatment
The Venus Versa™ is a light-based technology that eliminates unwanted hair on the face and body. By precisely targeting and destroying hair follicles beneath the skin, it stops their growth, resulting in flawlessly smooth, hair-free skin.

The Ideal Candidate:
Someone who has unwanted hair on their face or body, and who wants to reduce hair growth in a particular area.

Key Client Benefits:
A smoother, hair-free skin
Comfortable treatments
No downtime
Safe and quick treatment sessions
Suitable for light to medium skin tones

Hair Removal
Get rid of unwanted hair on the face and body
Reduces future hair growth in the area

IPL Hair Removal Facts:

1. Am I a good candidate for this treatment? / Will this treatment work for me?
The best candidate is someone who has unwanted hair on their face or body, and who wants to reduce hair growth in a particular area.

2. I have darker skin – can I still get this treatment done?
Venus Versa™’s hair removal treatments work best for light to medium skin tones. The treatment may work on darker skin, but there is a higher risk of discoloration because darker skin has more pigment in it. It’s best to consult with the technician to see if the treatment is right for you. They
will perform a test spot and wait between 15 minutes to 48 hours, depending on your skin tone, to assess your reaction to the light.

3. Can I do it during my lunch break?
Most likely yes, depending on what part of the body you’re getting treated. If it’s a smaller area, it may only take as little as 5-30 minutes. A larger area, like two full legs, may take up to 60 minutes to complete.

4. How many sessions will I need to see results?
Most clients receive 6-10 treatments per area. The exact number will depend on each individual person and the area being treated.

5. How often/far apart should the treatments be?
Treatments are done 4-6 weeks apart for the face and 4-8 weeks apart for the body.

6. Do I need to do anything to prepare for the treatment?
Make sure your skin is clean. Do not apply any lotions, creams, or makeup before your session, and stop using any products that might irritate your skin 2-3 days before. You should also avoid tanning. Depending on where you’re getting treatment, you may be advised to shave the area on the day of your treatment. Remove all jewellery around the area being treated.

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