Teeth Grinding

Teeth Grinding

Teeth Grinding, which is also known as Bruxism, is a condition in which the client habitually grinds or clenches his/her teeth in an excessive manner. In most cases, this grinding happens while you sleep but this can also happen during the day.

Do You?

– Wake up with headaches?
– Have sensitive teeth?
– Notice is a clicking or popping sound when you open and close your jaw?
– or suffer from migraine headaches?

These symptoms can mean the presence of night time teeth grinding habit called bruxism, which means grinding and clenching your teeth.

Bruxism leads to a number of severe oral health conditions, not to mention that you might feel fatigued or worn out throughout the day because your jaw is working overtime.

Problems Associated with Teeth Grinding

– Sleep apnea and snoring.
– Damaged, fractured, or chipped teeth, jaw disorders, and damaged tooth enamel.
– Teeth sensitivity, pain, and a locked jaw.
– Pain or soreness in the neck or face.
– Chronic headaches
– Earache
– Teeth Grinding can lead to a number of other mild or serious health issues including


This condition can happen because of a variety of reasons. Stress, anxiety, and anger issues top the list. Age-related Bruxism is also very common. Certain medications like antidepressants can also make you grind your teeth excessively. Genetic factors also play an important role in this condition.

Treatment for Teeth Grinding at Curvz

Here at our clinic, we use Botox or Botulinum Toxin Type A injections to treat teeth grinding. These injections can be used in the targeted area to relax a specific muscle, which provides relief from chronic grinding and clenching. Botox can help soften the contours of the face as well, correcting a distorted jaw which is a result of continuous grinding.

The Science behind the Treatment

Bruxism and TMJ treatment

Over the past decade there has been an increase in the number of studies investigating the use of anti-wrinkle injections and bruxism.

The muscles typically injected have been the masseter, the temporalis and the medial pterygoid which are the main muscles thought to be involved in bruxism.

It has been speculated that anti wrinkle injections actually reduces bruxism by disrupting the trigeminal motor nucleus feedback loop and inhibits the central bruxism generator through mandibular muscle paralysis.

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