Drooping Mouth

Drooping Mouth

If people keep asking you, “are you in a bad mood?”, even though you are actually feeling great, there’s a possibility that you are suffering from drooping mouth corners. In this skin condition, the corners of the lips droop downwards, making you look either sad or angry. Drooping mouth corners is essentially a sign of aging. It can make you look older than you actually are and this sometimes can become a cause of self-doubt or lack of self-confidence in many clients.

What Are the Causes of Drooping Mouth Corners?

As we’ve mentioned earlier, aging is one of the main causes of this condition. With the advancement of age, our skin tends to lose its elasticity and mobility due to reduced levels of collagen and elastin production in the skin tissues. Collagen is responsible for keeping the skin firm and smooth while elastin’s job is to maintain its ability to bounce back and remain supple. But when these two proteins aren’t produced sufficiently, the skin starts losing its integrity and youthfulness. One manifestation of this is drooping mouth corners.

This skin condition is triggered by continuous contraction of a muscle in the mouth area called DAO or depressor angulioris, which is often associated with frowning. Weakness of this muscle due to old age can lead to drooping mouth corners. Other causes could include –

  • Sagging of skin in general,
  • Downward movement of mouth corners due to sagging of face or neck muscles,
  • The repetitive action of frowning,
  • Reduced amount of buccal fat or cheek fat,
  • Excessive smoking,
  • Genetics could also play an important role in the development of this condition in certain individuals.

Treatment Options

One of the best skin treatments to lift the jawline upwards in order to treat drooping mouth corners is to add some volume to the cheeks with the use of dermal fillers. Alternatively, dermal fillers can be used around the corners of the mouth itself. Anti-wrinkle injections are another reliable treatment option to consider for this condition. These injections can be used to lift the edges of the mouth in a subtle manner, reducing the downward pull of the weakened muscles in the mouth or jaw area. Botox injections can also be used to treat drooping mouth corners as they enhance the overall shape and texture of the skin by relaxing the tensed muscles.

Treatment of Drooping Mouth Corners at Curvz

At Curvz, Pimpama, we will help you decide which skin treatment option is best suitable for your specific condition. Our highly experienced doctors will analyse how severe your particular case is and accordingly recommend a treatment plan. It’s our endeavour to offer quality skin solutions to each one of our clients, and for this, we put in a lot of care and attention to understand your individual needs and expectations.

Only after a proper consultation we’ll go ahead and devise a safe and effective plan for you. Whether it’s the dermal fillers or a treatment based on injectables, you’ll be guided through the entire process by our team of highly trained and experienced doctors and nurses.

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