Thin Lips

Thin Lips - Natural Lips and Lips that Quack

So you may have noticed some lips creases, a little lipstick bleed or some vertical lines or cracks appearing in your top lip. Alternatively, you just know that your lips have lost a little fullness and definition and you recognise your lips could do with a small pick up in volume. Small lips like the one pictured below are often caused by a lack of collagen which decreases over time.

Is getting some Dermal Filler just what you need to create the perfect pout? The short answer is a resounding YES and below are some of the reasons why restoring balance and enhancing is lips will always be in fashion.

Lipstick sales worldwide were 17 Billion dollars in 2020 and highlight the importance of we place on good looking lips. Ladies have always wanted to highlight their lips as science has shown it increases self esteem and confidence. You know the drill, you just want to get ready quickly, you put on a little “lippie”, because it sets the overall look instantly. It’s the cherry on top of the cupcake. Naturally, if you want to add a new colour to the lipstick collection, having some nice plump luscious lips will enhance your new look to another level.

Good lips which have had dermal filler enhancement, increase the overall natural beauty of the face and don’t become the focus point of the face.

For a natural enhanced look with Dermal Filler lip volume and lip definition are the key focus points. Balance and facial harmony are important when enhancing lips, especially if the goal is a “natural look”.

For some, as above, the lip goals are more about reducing smokers lines and volume restoration. The lady as you can see has thin lips and on pursing her lips clear volume loss can be seen. Dermal Filler was applied to support the upper white lip above the red lip line as well as into the bottom and top red lip area. This type of volume replacement should last 6-18 months depending on lifestyle factors. Smoking, which causes excessive muscle movement around the upper lip can reduce the length of treatment effect.

One of the biggest hurdles to overcome, when considering volumising lips, is the stigma that can be attached to the word filler. For some, the word Filler, conjures up images of puffed up faces and big lips that hit the front door before the person enters. The examples above show that you will not be walking around town with big duck lips that quack. There are however some ladies who are wanting to make a bold statement about their lips, and larger lips can be accommodated by the team at Curz if that is your lip goal.

The #1 thing to know is that ladies who desire very large lips, most likely have had multiple treatments, generally more than 3 treatments over two years to get very large lips. For most ladies as shown above, the goal is natural lips and this takes one or two treatments. This is especially true for ladies in their 40’s,50’s and 60”s as lip volume decreases with age so we are just topping up what nature has taken away as we age.

NO matter what your lip goal or favorite lipstick colour or shade, the experienced team at Curvz can deliver you lips to love.

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