Rejuvenate Your Skin With Dermal Fillers

As we age, it is natural to notice changes in our faces and the development of fine lines. These changes can be due to losing subcutaneous fat and alterations to muscle tone and bone structure of the face, which make us look old. Our lips do not appear full, and our cheekbones are not as high as they used to be. However, age is just a number, and you can quickly reverse the impact on your skin with safe injectables called dermal fillers.

Dermal fillers are a popular option as the results are almost immediate and do not involve surgery or prolonged recovery. They minimise signs of ageing by adding definition, volume and support to the face. The non-surgical treatment can also be used to soften the appearance of wrinkles, and it is often used with a combination of anti-wrinkle treatments.

Our Specialised Dermal Fillers

There are many different dermal fillers, all of which have different characteristics in their structure and use on the face. At Curvz, we use hyaluronic acid filler, produced naturally in our bodies and is present in skin and cartilage. Hyaluronic acid is found in many skin products as it has excellent hydrating properties, adding volume and plumpness to the face.

At Curvz, during the consultation, we will perform an assessment of the face as well as address your concerns. We will then create an individualised plan to achieve your goals. We aim to create a look that has balance, symmetry and is age-appropriate togive you a natural look.

Customised Treatment For Complete Satisfaction

Dermal fillers are not permanent.In most cases, the results can be adjusted if you are unhappy with the result. Additional filler can be added, and, in some cases, the filler can be dissolved with a special injection that will reverse the effect. Dermal fillers vary in the length of time they last according to the area of the face that is injected and the type of filler. Overall, dermal fillers tend to last between 9 and 18 months. Most clients come once or twice a year for a top-up.

Dermal fillers are safe and well tolerated. However, even non-surgical procedures have their risks. The most common side effects include bruising, redness, pain and swelling. These sideeffects tend to be mild and self-limiting. A less common complication of the filler is when it is accidentally injected into a blood vessel, resulting in vascular occlusion. It can cause pain and a specific type of bruising.

Youthful Radiance Is Just A Step Away!

Dermal fillers are incredibly versatile and probably one of the most rewarding products for clients satisfaction. Book a free consultation at Curvztoday to discuss the use of fillers for cosmetic enhancement.

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