Gummy Smile

Smile and the Whole World Smile with You Not Always!

For most of us, smiling and laughing are spontaneous, unconscious and carefree. For some people they have a smile that they are conscious about not smiling too much either because they have a “crooked” smile or when they smile maximally a little gum or “gummy smile” is shown which they are concerned about. Often in public and social situations they can be seen covering their mouth as they smile.

Smile and the Whole World Smile with You Not Always!

The very exciting news is that treating gummy smiles, although not a common procedure, is one of the most rewarding and exciting for clients. It is caused by excessive pull of the “Elvis muscle” Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi (LLSAN) for short, which is responsible for lifting the top of the lip a little too high. Just two to four little carefully placed dabs of Muscle Relaxant are injected into the muscle to achieve results like those below. Clients often notice a result in 2-4 days and it is one of the low cost treatments performed in clinic.

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